Sanctuary Sessions uses bodywork therapies to offer a supportive space with compassion for individuals who are:

  • Experiencing stress, anxiety, or persistent overthinking/overworrying

  • Feeling drained from caregiving or overworking

  • Juggling multiple responsibilities and continually putting the needs of others first

  • Disconnected from their body and emotions

  • Emotionally 'stuck' or physically and emotionally burnt out

  • Experiencing physical tension in the body

  • Suspecting that physical symptoms might potentially have emotional roots

  • Feeling generally run down and below par


Quality self-care for when you're running on empty

Feel deep relaxation and enhance your mind-body connection as you effortlessly release tension with Pulsing Rhythmic Bodywork

Experience stress relief and tranquility for a busy, overthinking mind all while achieving a radiant complexion with Japanese Facial Massage

For emotional symptoms, or physical discomfort with possible emotional roots, try Shiatsu

If you're feeling a bit ‘under the weather’ and could use an immune system boost, try Lymphatic Drainage Massage


"Sessions with Alison are my closest thing to a fortnight's holiday in Barbados." (ST)

"The most relaxed I've felt all year!" (EA, Japanese Facial Massage, December)

"Sessions with Alison are truly restorative. I've often arrived in a rush and left feeling relaxed and at peace. Alison makes you feel completely safe and comfortable. The treatments that I've had (Pulsing and Japanese Facial Massage) have been enjoyable, nurturing and revitalising. I would highly recommend." (SH)

"When I made my first appointment, I was feeling anxious, stressed and experiencing sleep deprivation. I find Shiatsu beneficial: following sessions I am less anxious and my sleep patterns have improved. I would highly recommend Alison." (MB)